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An updated look at our book about AI’s impact on the financial industry

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Let's talk

Artificial Intelligence

AI is an absolute game-changer.

But it’s not just that change is on the horizon…

Change has already come.

Big banks, fintechs, neobanks, and tech giants are all exploring new frontiers with AI. Actually, just about every industry is rocketing forward.

Few things show the pace of change better than Kirk Drake’s book Financial: Helping Financial Services Executives Prepare for an Artificial World

You wouldn’t believe what a difference 4 years makes.

Download the addendum now to see:

  • What Kirk got right
  • Where Kirk missed the mark
  • What changes are coming next

Plus, get a clear plan for how you can start working with AI today (to prepare for a different world tomorrow).

Section topics include:

  • An updated look at financial AI featuring all the departments and processes that are affected today
  • Easy wins with AI whether for streamlining workflows or for turbo-charging personal projects.
  • How to get started with AI today whether you’re a CEO or Marketing Manager, data analyst or ChatGPT enthusiast.

Primary takeaways include:

  • Understand forthcoming changes to our industry from AI
  • Find product, culture, and strategy opportunities with AI
  • See where to begin using AI today, both personally and professionally



Financial: Helping Financial Services Executives Prepare for an Artificial World 

The book does an excellent job of providing a cover to cover process for understanding AI and how it will improve financial services capabilities across a broad swath of specific use cases. It also lays out a framework for the reader to read different sections of the book, in a different sequence or skipping sections entirely depending on the reader's needs. The history of AI and functional breakdown of AI (into "Narrow", "General" and "Super" capabilities), white papers on specific companies / solutions, and thought processes to develop one's own roadmap are all incorporated with great flow and function. Wrapped around all of the AI specific information is historical context around technology adoption and the technological S-curve, which brings to life the true urgency of contemplating AI inclusive strategies into today's service offerings. All of this written in a very pragmatic and readable style that made this a great read as well as a call to action! Thank you Kirk!
Tracy Ann Ingram
Tracy Ann Ingram
This book was the perfect insight into why AI is so critical. The outline and correlation of how humans and technology have changed and the pace that will continue to change and accelerate was beneficial in driving understanding. Highly recommended!
K. M. J.
K. M. J.
Kirk Drake's ability to see where the puck is going with technology in the financial industry makes this a must read for any executive wishing to keep their credit union or bank relevant.
Having read Kirk Drake's past book (CU2.0), I have become a fan of his writing style and how he is able to take relatively technical topics and tune them to readers of all levels of mastery. His current effort does not disappoint. The book is a well-crafted and realistic perspective of the opportunity of AI that is before us as leaders. The book helps us to recognize what AI is, where it is already at work in our world, and how we can take that next step to leverage AI to just help people; those you work with and those who depend on your products and services. The book is designed such that you can read it cover to cover, or choose a topic specific to your interests. Regardless of your current mastery of AI in financial services, I would highly recommend putting this book on your reading list.
James S
James S
Kirk has done a great job once again with breaking down technology, so that no matter your background, you can understand the underpinnings of artificial intelligence (AI). Kirk also gives the reader a choose your own adventure style layout; the first third is for those new to AI, the second who are familiar, and the third is how to get started. Each section has relevant examples of technologies that help tell the story, and really goes to show the reader how much AI already exists in our every day lives that we take for granted. If you are a leader in a credit union or bank, this really is a must read if you want to move your organization forward.
James Wileman
James Wileman
I always enjoy talking to Kirk and reading his books too. He knows and cares about credit unions succeeding; that care shows in this book. It is a quick read on AI and was also in depth explaining how AI is already making a difference in our lives. The change of pace that technology improves and accelerates over time was a take away I'll be thinking about along with his call to act as soon as you can. Thank you Kirk!
The book does an excellent job of providing a cover to cover process for understanding AI and how it will improve financial services capabilities across a broad swath of specific use cases. It also lays out a framework for the reader to read different sections of the book, in a different sequence or skipping sections entirely depending on the reader's needs. The history of AI and functional breakdown of AI (into "Narrow", "General" and "Super" capabilities), white papers on specific companies / solutions, and thought processes to develop one's own roadmap are all incorporated with great flow and function. Wrapped around all of the AI specific information is historical context around technology adoption and the technological S-curve, which brings to life the true urgency of contemplating AI inclusive strategies into today's service offerings. All of this written in a very pragmatic and readable style that made this a great read as well as a call to action! Thank you Kirk!
Tracy Ann Ingram
Tracy Ann Ingram
This book was the perfect insight into why AI is so critical. The outline and correlation of how humans and technology have changed and the pace that will continue to change and accelerate was beneficial in driving understanding. Highly recommended!

Download the AI book addendum!