The show starts by asking Eric Foster, CEO of Woop Insurance, why the heck he named the company Woop, and it gets livelier from …
CU 2.0 is a digital consultancy and marketing agency with a mission to increase credit union market share through fintech partnerships.
Founder and CEO
Founder and CRO
COO & EOS Integrator
Misty ensures that the team is paddling in the right direction. She can’t swim, so it’s stressful, but a simple Crown and Diet helps her stay relaxed.
VP, Sales
Tony brings decades of sales experience to CU 2.0. A little bourbon (neat) always takes the sting off the bruises from BJJ mat time.
Business Development
Dylan has been with CU 2.0 for over 5 years and manages their tech stack and sponsorships. He loves a good cielo rojo… or a horchata before 5.
Marketing & Creative
Zeke has nearly a decade of writing and marketing experience. Despite being a cocktail nerd, he prefers a barrel-proof bourbon paired with a jazz LP.
Program Management
Talli has helped CU 2.0 keep its processes in order for more than 3 years. She likes mojitos and is a sucker for old-school Tom & Jerry cartoons.
Events Coordinator
Jana is an experienced event planner who knows how to keep things on schedule. She knows a thing or two about wine and cottagecore aesthetics.
The show starts by asking Eric Foster, CEO of Woop Insurance, why the heck he named the company Woop, and it gets livelier from …
This podcast started at the CU 2.0 Live event in Arizona a few months ago because that’s where a lightbulb went off in David Eldred’s …
There’s $140 billion in unclaimed federal benefits and assistance for households in need.
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