CU 2.0 Podcast 34: Ben Premo TrueFees on Fee Transparency

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 34 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Quick now, how much did financial institutions collect in overdraft fees in 2017?  The answer is $34.3 billion. That’s right, billion. A lot of us are getting soaked by high bank fees and thus TrueFees, founded by Ben Premo whose intent is to shine a light on […]

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: Posh Technologies

cu fintech partnerships

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with Posh Technologies to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation. Posh Technologies harnesses the power of AI and machine learning to provide chatbots for banks, credit unions, and other industries. But “chatbots” might not be the best term…

How to Calculate Credit Union Member Acquisition Cost

Sometimes it can feel darn near impossible to figure out how much it costs to acquire a new credit union members. But should it be so hard? We spoke with Bryan Adler, CEO of Vetter. Adler has a lot of experience in attracting and onboarding new members at credit unions and community banks. What Adler […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 33: Erin Coleman Filene on Thinking Big and Better

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 33 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. How long does it take your credit union to respond to a mortgage application with a verdict?  Anything longer than 10 minutes just may be too long. Are you still in the game? At Filene, Erin Coleman, senior impact director, mulls just that kind of question […]

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: FilingMate

cu fintech partnerships

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with FilingMate to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation. FilingMate is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform for insurance companies to find, manage, complete, and submit regulatory filings. Insurance carriers, agents, and producers deal with mountains of regulations. As a result, […]

A Quick Look at the Arizona Fintech Sandbox

My partner repeatedly tells me that I’m not as old as I think I am, but I remember playing in public sandboxes as a kid. I’m honestly not sure people make those anymore—they’re probably “unsafe” or “unhygienic” or something. Still, I remember the freedom of a sandbox. In the short run, you can create your […]

Why Credit Unions Need to Implement Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence for credit unions

The pillar of the Credit Union industry is member service. Credit Unions have strong relationships with their members and strive to do what is right. It is a common misconception that Artificial Intelligence will remove the human aspect from banking with a Credit Union. In reality, AI is an opportunity to deepen those already strong […]

Updates in Credit Union–Fintech Partnerships

To credit unions and other traditional financial institutions, fintechs can often sound like the enemy. Or, if not an enemy, they can seem like the upstart competition. Yet, most fintechs present more opportunities for partnership than for rivalry. Narmi provides an API-enabled digital banking platform. It includes mobile banking, online banking, digital account opening, fraud […]

Credit Union 2.0 Podcast 32: Mike Edwards WOCCU on International Trends

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 32 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Quick now, what country has the highest participation in credit unions? Say the US and you are wrong. According to Mike Edwards, senior vice president for advocacy at the World Council of Credit Unions, it’s Ireland, north, and south, where 70% belong. In this podcast, he […]