Direct Investment in Fintech Companies vs. Investing Through a Fintech Fund: A Comprehensive Guide for Credit Union Executives

Executive Summary In today’s rapidly evolving financial landscape, fintech stands as a transformative force, offering a myriad of opportunities for credit unions to modernize operations, diversify portfolios, and drive groundbreaking innovation. Yet, as we navigate this burgeoning field, a pivotal question arises: should credit unions invest directly in fintech startups or opt for fintech funds? […]
50 Shades of Fintech: Unveiling the Risks and Kinks of Entrepreneurial Styles

Let’s face it, being a fintech entrepreneur can make you feel a bit bipolar. In 2005, I received funding from 7 credit unions to start my first big company. We crushed it the first year, signing 20 credit unions and setting up a path where we doubled every year for 6 years. In our second […]
CUSOs and Innovation: A Deep-Dive into Their History and Future Disruptions

You might already think of Credit Union Service Organizations (CUSOs) as the unsung heroes of the finance industry. But dig a little deeper, and you’ll find that, unsung or not, these stalwarts have a history that resonates with innovation. From conceptualization to modernization, they’ve revolutionized financial services, especially in credit unions. I invite you to […]
Fintech Investment Funds for CUs by CUs

By Kirk Drake and Chris Otey Hey, quick note: if you want more fintech and CUSO investment opportunities and news, there are 2 ways we can help you: CU 2.0 believes that credit union investment in fintechs and CUSOs is the best way to ensure that financial technology benefits credit unions. The worst case scenario […]
How Can Credit Unions Make Money Off of Fintechs?

This blog is based on an expert discussion at our Summer 2022 Brainstorm Event. Register to attend our next one now! The relationship between fintechs and credit unions has evolved as credit unions make major tech advancements. Instead of competition, there’s more partnership. This opens up new revenue opportunities for progressive and forward-thinking credit unions. A […]
Constellation and the Next Stage of Digital Banking Platforms

We won’t bother linking all the statistics that support this statement: Digital banking is the front door to your digital branch.
Marketing to Millennials and Gen Z

This piece is based off of a roundtable discussion at the CU 2.0 Brainstorm Event in July 2021. It is not intended to be comprehensive—rather, it will provide a cursory introduction to marketing to Millennials and Gen Z.
The Rise of the Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO)

This piece is based off of a roundtable discussion at the CU 2.0 Brainstorm Event in July 2021. It is not intended to be comprehensive—rather, it will provide a cursory introduction to trends and questions surrounding credit union service organizations (CUSOs).