Does your credit union need real-time analytics?

Does your credit union need real-time analytics? I hear this question all the time from marketers. They’re perfectly happy using their MCIFs and their Raddon data and Experian data to help them figure out who to market to on a day-to-day basis. In this post, we’re going to cover real-time analytics here, and how much […]

Top 5 Fintechs of 2016

With all these Fintechs that are constantly starting out, do you ever wonder what impact they’re having on your credit union? Today we’re going to cover how the top 5 Fintechs of 2016 are affecting your credit union. Every single year, hundreds of millions of dollars are poured into Fintech. OCC is even considering creating […]

A is for Automation – What is marketing automation for credit unions?

Are you wondering if marketing automation is right for your credit union? Today we’re talking about how Credit Union 2.0 can help you figure out how to deliver great marketing and digital experiences to your members. A lot of credit unions really wonder: are they sending too many messages to their members, communicating the same […]