Best New Online Account Opening Providers for Credit Unions

best online account opening solutions for credit unions

The first interaction a new (potential) member has with your credit union is opening an account. It sets the tone for your entire relationship. How do you want that interaction to go? Think carefully. The answer matters—maybe more than you know. Read on to learn more about the best new online account opening providers for […]

What Credit Union Marketing Automation Is and Why It Matters

credit union marketing automation

Credit unions work hard to serve their members, but reaching the right people at the right time isn’t always easy. Digital marketing brings in traffic, but getting that traffic to convert—whether it’s opening an account, applying for a loan, or signing up for a new service—can be challenging. Many credit unions still rely on broad, […]

The Best New Member Onboarding Solutions for Credit Unions

swaystack credit union onboarding

For credit unions, bringing in new members is only part of the challenge. The real test is making sure those new members feel welcomed, supported, and ready to make the most of their membership. Unfortunately, many onboarding processes don’t deliver. In fact, 44% of new checking accounts go inactive within the first year. Considering that […]

Death of a Member? The Best Solutions for Credit Unions

credit union death of a member solutions with ribbon

A percentage of credit union members pass away each year. Their accounts close and their assets transfer to inheritors. On top of grief, inheritors deal with the logistical nightmare of financial paperwork. This is not the most comfortable topic to discuss, but it’s still incredibly important. Read on to see how your credit union can […]

The Credit Union Case for Rocket Mortgage® Partnerships

rocket mortgage credit union partnerships

Rocket Mortgage is one of America’s largest and most recognized lenders1. Their digital lending journey and client experience are nearly unmatched in their field. Not surprisingly, credit unions—and CU 2.0—think of Rocket Mortgage as the competition. But might they make better partners? For a surprising number of credit unions, the answer might be “yes.” Read […]

The Best New Credit Union Core Software with Fintech-Friendly Values

fintech friendly new credit union core software

The credit union world is getting faster paced, like it or not. AI—and the slew of new fintech solutions powered by it—calls for nimble, tech-ready architecture to support it. Legacy cores, while dependable, often lack the agility needed to keep up with the rapid evolution of fintech. That is, unless you love waiting a year […]

3 Tips for Branch Managers in the Digital Age

credit union digital branch manager tips from cu 2.0

As Internet banking began to pick up steam in the late 90s, lots of people predicted that brick-and-mortar credit union branches would eventually fade away. Of course, they were wrong. As the market matured, it became clear that branches still had a place in the financial landscape. There are just some things that members either […]

All Aboard the Fintech Service Bus: Accelerating Digital Transformation

Fintech service bus for credit unions from cu 2.0

This piece is based off of a roundtable discussion at the CU 2.0 Brainstorm Event in January 2022. It’s not intended to be comprehensive—rather, it will provide a quick look at emerging trends in fintech service bus strategies for credit unions. Several Brainstorm Event panelists suggested that credit unions are now technology providers. If that’s […]

Growing Your Direct Auto Loan Portfolio with Loanify

Grow your direct auto loan portfolio with loanify fintech cuso

How many direct auto loans do you preapprove for members? Yet, how many end up with dealer financing? Dealer financing is rarely the member’s best option. Financing is where the profit is, and you don’t want to lose it to used car dealerships. So, let’s dig into a new CUSO, Loanify, to see how they […]

Metrics to Monitor on Your Institution’s Website

credit union website metrics to monitor

By Dylan Bloniarz, soon-to-be graduate from St. Edwards University’s Master’s program in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics. This blog is about credit union web design. He is currently redesigning his credit union’s website. You may find the original post here. Your credit union could have the best-designed website in the world… But without tracking the proper […]