CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: DocFox

CU2.0 credit union fintech partnership

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with DocFox to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation. If you want your credit union to grow, and grow safely, the fintech DocFox wants to help. Their goal is to help your credit union navigate the ins and outs of onboarding, regulation, […]

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: Narmi

CU2.0 credit union fintech partnership

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with Narmi to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation. Narmi helps credit unions modernize their digital banking experiences. Narmi integrates popular fintech apps like Venmo, Lemonade, and Billshark into an institution-branded platform. In a world where credit union–fintech partnerships are often rigid […]

Should CU’s Partner with Fintech Companies?

A common question we get at CU 2.0 is, should credit unions partner with fintech companies. Then, if the answer is yes, how should the partnership work and which fintech companies should credit unions work with. The answer is in fact yes. However, as with most things in life, the question goes deeper than you […]