Credit Union 2.0 Podcast 31: Mike Reuter Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions

Welcome to episode 31 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. From Ukraine to Ireland and Dominica, this podcast travels the globe with Mike Reuter, executive director of the Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions, as he shares stories of the challenges faced by credit unions and also the generous willingness of other credit unions executives to help. […]
Credit Union 2.0 Podcast 30: Brett King on Banking Tomorrow

Welcome to episode 30 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. You don’t want to listen to this podcast. But you need to. What banking futurist Brett King paints is a dystopian picture of financial services tomorrow where, increasingly, consumers want frictionless money transactions, they don’t give a hoot about banks vs. non-banks, and they have no […]
CU 2.0 Podcast 29: Teresa Freeborn on Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union

Welcome to episode 29 of the Credit Union 2.0 Podcast. $100 million. That’s the projected three-year budget for the CUNA “Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union” campaign. Teresa Freeborn, CEO of Xceed Financial Credit Union, chairs the CUNA effort which she – make no mistake – sees as crucial in the long-term survival and prosperity of credit […]