Three ways to better connect with your membership

connect with member

As small niche financial institutions, it is imperative that we don’t lose sight of who we serve.  It is essential to your credit union’s survival to be highly focused on your niche and to customize and personalize your credit union’s solutions. One of the most essential ingredients in this process is how to connect with […]

Digital Transformation and the Old Fashioned Con 

By Robert McGarvey  For CU.20    Suddenly there is a stampede of self-professed experts who want to guide your credit union through its digital transformation.  Just one problem: quite a few of the experts may be bluffing.  Or full of wishful thinking. Or maybe they are just plain con artists.  It puts me in mind […]

Physical + Digital = Phygital

Phygital, it is a thing. And, it can be a very important concept in furthering the relevance of a credit union with an increasingly digitally savvy member base. As we walk down this digital transformation path as an industry, we overlook the physical aspect to competing digitally. Now, if you are of the mindset that […]

Increasing Customer Connections Through Digital Transformation

Credit Unions pride themselves on customer service and being “customer intimate.” They are pioneers of brickand-mortar, customer-centric innovations such as branch greeter stations and branches that look more like an Apple store than a traditional bank. Providing great customer services and “knowing” our members is a large part of what the Credit Union movement is […]

On the Digital Transformation Journey with Partners FCU’s CEO 

credit union podcast cu 2.0

By Robert McGarvey  For Credit Union 2.0    “We are not moving fast enough. We need to move 2x or 4x faster,” said John Janclaes, CEO of the $1 billion Partners Federal Credit Union headquartered in Burbank, CA.  In a wide ranging interview, Janclaes revealed exactly why he had put the credit union on what he […]