Credit Unions Should Learn from the Rebirth of Retail

credit union retail comparisons

Last week I made a breakthrough in my relationship with my wife. We have been married 16 years and she finally felt secure enough to tell me something I have known for years. Kirk, she said, you are not a very good dresser. Frankly, most of the time you look like Ted Kennedy and Rodney […]

How to Be a Borrower-First Mortgage Servicer

Taking out a home loan is a big step for anyone. As a credit union, you provide personal, community level service that other financial institutions can’t. You probably want your members’ mortgage lending experience to feel as personal as the rest of your interactions.

Climb Aboard the Contactless Revolution

What a difference a pandemic makes. Just six months ago when contactless payments came up, credit union c-suiters, most of them, yawned and dismissed it as a nice to have that hadn’t vaulted up to must have status. And besides, many hundreds of credit unions are signed up for Apple Pay, which gives users a […]

Masterminding Your Path Through the Coming Economic Turmoil

Bad times are coming at you. A recent Credit Union Times headline screamed: Preparing for COVID Loan Losses. The subhead multiplied the miseries: CUs are preparing for a wave of COVID-related loan losses, delinquencies, and bankruptcies.

Why Your Credit Union Needs Office 365

Most credit unions have been using Microsoft Office for years. But the legacy versions have been surpassed in efficiency by their successor. Office 365 is the new and improved version of the tried and true Microsoft programs. There is a big demand for businesses to undergo digital transformations.

What Does the Rise in Cashless Payments Mean?

A meme made its way onto Forbes a couple of months ago. Somehow, we didn’t see it until this week. But the content bears repeating here: Who led your digital transformation? CEO CIO COVID-19 In the meme, option C is circled. If you don’t get the joke already, let me ruin it by explaining it […]

Memo to Credit Unions: Embrace Diversity Now

This is a summer of discontent. Streets in many American cities, from Portland OR to Phoenix to Washington DC are filled with protesters demanding more opportunity, and better treatment for people of color. What does this have to do with credit union people? Potentially a lot.