Big Data or Bust: The Credit Union Wakeup Call 

By Robert McGarvey for Credit Union 2.0 Ask credit union executives about big data and what you are most likely to hear aren’t cheers of approval but grumbles and that is because many institutions have shoveled money into big data initiatives but have enjoyed scant benefits.  That’s fact: big data plays require a lot of thought, planning and […]

“Small Entity” Credit Unions Must Think FinTech

By Homer Fager  During the twenty year span, from 1950 to the 70s, the US credit union movement experienced an expansive growth period. The 60s saw the movement pass the 20,000 number of credit unions, including state and federal institutions. US’s original credit union movement was founded to provide the middle class families a source […]

Cooperating with Cooperatives: A Winning Strategy

By Robert McGarvey for Credit Union 2.0 Just maybe the fast track to greater credit union success is staring just about every credit union in the face and that’s the cooperative next door.  Mark your calendar. October is National Cooperative Month and, by some counts, there are around 40,000 cooperatives nationally that are joining in the […]


Hi, I’m Kirk Drake, founder of CU 2.0. CU 2.0 is all about helping credit unions create digital experiences that really differentiate a credit union from a bank. After starting a high school bank, working at two credit unions and Fiserv, and starting several CUSOs, I decided to write a book called Credit Union 2.0.  […]

Credit Union Website Basics

Are you struggling to build a website for your credit union that doesn’t become immediately obsolete? Many credit unions spend anywhere from $10-100,000 on a website, and if you’re not careful, within 3 months you’ll have to start all over again. If you’ve ever found yourself in that position, this post is for you. Credit […]

Is Direct Mail Dead for credit unions?

A lot of you might wonder something I have often wondered: is direct mail dead? Today we’re going to explain why it’s actually not dead, and how you can incorporate it in all of your digital marketing to create highly personalized digital marketing messages that help your members get educated, built trust, and buy more […]

Does your credit union need real-time analytics?

Does your credit union need real-time analytics? I hear this question all the time from marketers. They’re perfectly happy using their MCIFs and their Raddon data and Experian data to help them figure out who to market to on a day-to-day basis. In this post, we’re going to cover real-time analytics here, and how much […]

Top 5 Fintechs of 2016

With all these Fintechs that are constantly starting out, do you ever wonder what impact they’re having on your credit union? Today we’re going to cover how the top 5 Fintechs of 2016 are affecting your credit union. Every single year, hundreds of millions of dollars are poured into Fintech. OCC is even considering creating […]

A is for Automation – What is marketing automation for credit unions?

Are you wondering if marketing automation is right for your credit union? Today we’re talking about how Credit Union 2.0 can help you figure out how to deliver great marketing and digital experiences to your members. A lot of credit unions really wonder: are they sending too many messages to their members, communicating the same […]

Five Fintech Marketing Tips for 2021

fintech startup marketing tips

There are many reasons why fintechs startups don’t “make it.” One common reason is that they lack the money or aren’t making profit. Another is that they don’t understand their target market and/or can’t penetrate that market or get broad adoption. There’s truth to all of these.