Ready to partner with a fintech? Here’s what you need to know

Originally Published in Credit Union Journal By: W.B. King June 29 2018, 11:03am EDT With the shared goal to redefine what a multifaceted financial services model looks like to members, more credit unions are looking to partner with forward-leaning fintechs. But does this approach make sense for all credit unions? “The biggest challenge I have […]
Should CU’s Partner with Fintech Companies?

A common question we get at CU 2.0 is, should credit unions partner with fintech companies. Then, if the answer is yes, how should the partnership work and which fintech companies should credit unions work with. The answer is in fact yes. However, as with most things in life, the question goes deeper than you […]
5 Lessons Learned from AXFI 2018

This week I had the honor of speaking at the 2018 AXFI (Analytics and Financial Innovation) Conference for Credit Unions in Minneapolis. I spoke on the Credit Union 2.0 DREAM methodology. First off, this is a great event that attracts an abundant group of Credit Union thinkers, innovators, and has truly great content. Here are […]
QCash Financial Aims to Eradicate Payday Loans

By Robert McGarvey $30 billion annually – that’s how big Pew said the payday, pawn auto title, etc. loan market is in America. When people need a loan, and everybody else has said no, they go to alternative lenders. That’s 10 to 12 million Americans every year. They pay through the nose too. Up to 400% APR. […]
How Frightened Should You Be About Amazon Banking?
By Robert McGarvey For CU 2.0 Think very – that’s the question’s answer. But maybe you already have in hand the exact weapons you need to defend your position. Surprised? Read on. Triggering this discussion is a recent Snarketing post by Cornerstone Advisors’ Ron Shevlin that offered hard data about Amazon’s potential popularity as a consumer bank. Cornerstone had surveyed […]
The Non-Bank Threat to the Mortgage Business: What Credit Unions Must Do
By Robert McGarvey For Credit Union 2.0 There was a time when traditional financial institutions owned the home mortgage business. No more. The changes are massive and stark and the bottomline is that non-banks are eating up this business. Their share is now 45% of home mortgages, according to the Federal Reserve. Just about all experts […]
PayPal and Your Credit Union
By Robert McGarvey for CreditUnion 2.0 Feast on a frightening metric: PayPal, an Internet company from the start, now is worth more than venerable American Express. Its current market cap is north of $80 billion and, meantime, it is busy fighting multiple wars, against Apple Pay at point of sale, Square in cash transfers, and Chase and Citibank backed Zelle in […]
How to Lend Millennials’ Money – and How Not To

By Robert McGarvey for Credit Union 2.0 A new study out of Transunion – Generation Revealed: Decoding Millennial Financial Health – is a goldmine of data for credit unions that are struggling to make sense of their Millennial members and prospects and are also struggling, in many cases, to find profits in serving them. The […]
Five Fintech Marketing Tips for 2021

There are many reasons why fintechs startups don’t “make it.” One common reason is that they lack the money or aren’t making profit. Another is that they don’t understand their target market and/or can’t penetrate that market or get broad adoption. There’s truth to all of these.