Best New Online Account Opening Providers for Credit Unions

best online account opening solutions for credit unions

The first interaction a new (potential) member has with your credit union is opening an account. It sets the tone for your entire relationship. How do you want that interaction to go? Think carefully. The answer matters—maybe more than you know. Read on to learn more about the best new online account opening providers for […]

The Best New Member Onboarding Solutions for Credit Unions

swaystack credit union onboarding

For credit unions, bringing in new members is only part of the challenge. The real test is making sure those new members feel welcomed, supported, and ready to make the most of their membership. Unfortunately, many onboarding processes don’t deliver. In fact, 44% of new checking accounts go inactive within the first year. Considering that […]

A Look into Woop’s Insurance Verification for Credit Unions

woop insurance verification for credit unions

Let’s talk about insurance verification for your members. Do you offer it? And should you? And… what do we mean by “insurance verification,” exactly? Here, we’re talking about making sure that your members have adequate home and auto insurance. Many don’t. And that can cause problems. But, if you do offer insurance verification, you can […]

Credit Unions Can Truly Engage with Members Thanks to Nook

nook credit union member engagement

Do you have any “friends” that seem to come around when they need something? Their social call for coffee is actually a request for advice or a job recommendation. Or maybe you own a truck and they’re moving next weekend… What if your credit union is acting like that friend toward your members? Unfortunately, that […]

Turning Member Feedback into Results

credit union member experience webinar with livesurvey and see me cx

It’s never good enough to simply have member feedback. You have to actually use it, too. If you want to ensure that your members’ voices aren’t just heard, but are acted upon effectively, tune into this member experience webinar. LiveSurvey CEO David Deckelmann hosts Customer Experience Expert Charlene Foley from SEE Me CX, inc. The […]

Datava, Data, and the Power of Personalization

Credit union member personalization from datava and cu 2.0

Credit unions used to differentiate through the member experience. When members walked into the branch, they were greeted by name with a smile. They got the best rates and terms. But new technologies and trends have narrowed the gap between the credit union and fintech/big bank experiences. Read on to see what we mean—and how […]

Dear Credit Unions: Financial Education Isn’t Enough

credit union financial education starlight

You’ve probably seen headlines that say things like “74% of Gen Z wants access to more financial education,” or “Gen Z isn’t financially literate (yet).” The gist of all these articles is the same: Young people say that financial literacy will alleviate some of their money problems. But let’s not pretend that financial education is […]

Death of a Member? The Best Solutions for Credit Unions

credit union death of a member solutions with ribbon

A percentage of credit union members pass away each year. Their accounts close and their assets transfer to inheritors. On top of grief, inheritors deal with the logistical nightmare of financial paperwork. This is not the most comfortable topic to discuss, but it’s still incredibly important. Read on to see how your credit union can […]

Vertice AI’s Data-Driven Credit Union Member Engagement Platform

credit union member engagement platform from vertice ai

Ask 10 people what growth marketing is and you’ll get 11 different answers. Consequently, it’s hard to make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to strategies to grow credit union member engagement and participation. In credit unions, this is especially true. Should you start with developing an indirect dealer network? What about […]

Balancing Stronger Security with Member Experience

Credit union identity protection from Cozera id-go and cu 2.0

Two monumental figures loom large these days: $4 billion in consumer identity protection costs (like LifeLock), and a whopping $40 billion institutional burden to cover the fraud, and that doesn’t even include the cost of cybersecurity to combat fraud. So how do credit unions continue to add layers of security without also adding more complexity […]