Credit Union Data Analytics: Who are your best members? :)

Our “A” members are the ones who know the difference between a credit union and a bank, believe it, feel it, and espouse it. They bring us all of their financial services business and tell all their friends. If you are interested in what their data tells you about them then this post in Credit […]
Credit Union Data Analytics: Who are your best members?

Our “A” members are the ones who know the difference between a credit union and a bank, believe it, feel it, and espouse it. They bring us all of their financial services business and tell all their friends. If you are interested in what credit union data analytics tells you about them then this post […]
Credit Union Data Analytics: Wallet Share
We only have a couple of posts left – but don’t fret – we have saved some of our best content for the end of our Almost 99 Small Data Hacks for Credit Unions – Guide series. Today, we are covering how to gain wallet share for your credit union from data analytics. Who doesn’t want […]
Credit Union Data Analytics: Risk Awareness

As we continue the Credit Union 2.0 “Almost 99 Small Data Hacks for Credit Unions – guide” series, today we are covering risk items for internal consumption only. While many of our hacks are targeted at proactive marketing, these hacks are key insights you can gather internally from your member data. This is the fifth […]
Predictive Analytics for Credit Union: Member Limits

In the first several posts in this series, we covered key insights that can be gathered from address changes, payroll changes, and fees as part of our “Almost 99 Small Data Hacks for Credit Unions” series. Next up, we will dive into credit union services and limits that can sometimes negatively impact your relationship with […]
Credit Union Data Analytics: What can you Learn when your Member Moves?
In our first post in this series, we covered key insights and actions you can take to turn member fees into positive, educational, and empathetic experiences for your member. This week we go even further and dive into what insights your Credit Union can learn from its data on its moving members. This is the […]
Credit Union Data Analytics: Put the Community in your Fees!

If you work for a credit union and are looking for ideas on how to leverage key data to improve your member service or overall credit union member experience, then this post is for you. This is the first post of a 9 part series. If you want the full guide “Almost 99 Credit Union […]