Cinchy Wants to Change Credit Union Data by Liberating It

cinchy credit union data liberation

Let’s talk data liberation. And don’t worry, we’ll try to make this accessible and relevant for people who aren’t CIOs! Sometimes, a fintech comes along and changes the entire way we think about something. That’s what Cinchy is doing with credit union data. Apologies in advance for anything remedial. We think it’ll be worth it […]

The Credit Union Data Analytics 2.0 Provider Guide

credit union data analytics provider guide

Credit unions often lag competitors, technologically. Technological needs must be balanced with service, growth, and profit; often, those needs compete with fintechs, compliance, IT security, and ever-changing regulations.

Questions to Ask Data Analytics Providers (for Credit Unions)

Data analytics for credit unions from arkatechture and arkalytics and cu 2.0

There are many different uses for data analytics at credit unions. And, it seems, there are as many data analytics providers as there are uses. We believe this is a good thing. However, we understand that the plethora of vendors can make it hard to find the right one. Moreover, even reviewing our data analytics […]

How Data Analytics Can Improve Interchange Income

Non-interest income is an oft-neglected part of a credit union’s total income. And it makes sense, too—revenue from loan interest is generally lower, and it flies under the radar. But what if you could increase interchange income? Would non-interest income still play second fiddle? Or would you pursue a program that could increase your profits […]

Credit Union Data Analytics: Who are your best members? :)

credit union lead scoring example

Our “A” members are the ones who know the difference between a credit union and a bank, believe it, feel it, and espouse it. They bring us all of their financial services business and tell all their friends. If you are interested in what their data tells you about them then this post in Credit […]

Credit Union Data Analytics: Who are your best members?

Our “A” members are the ones who know the difference between a credit union and a bank, believe it, feel it, and espouse it. They bring us all of their financial services business and tell all their friends. If you are interested in what credit union data analytics tells you about them then this post […]

Credit Union Data Analytics: Wallet Share

We only have a couple of posts left – but don’t fret – we have saved some of our best content for the end of our Almost 99 Small Data Hacks for Credit Unions – Guide series. Today, we are covering how to gain wallet share for your credit union from data analytics. Who doesn’t want […]

Credit Union Data Analytics: Common Error Avoidance

Now that we are more than halfway through our Almost 99 Small Data Hacks for Credit Unions – Guide series, it is time to switch gears a bit. This post features hacks that are entirely focused on expense savings. One credit union I worked at would survey its members regularly. The common sentiment was that the […]