Retaining Deposits After Member Retirement (ft. Silvur)

credit union deposit retention from retirees with social security silvur

Much ado is already being made about the great generational wealth transfer on the horizon. We’ve made some ado of it ourselves. But before the big wealth transfer even, there’s another one on the horizon: Retirees dramatically consolidate their FI relationships as they enter retirement because they want to simplify their lives and hold onto […]

2023: My Year in Review for Credit Union AI

kirk drake credit union ai year in review

By Kirk Drake In the rollercoaster realm of fintech, 2023 has been less of a gentle carousel and more of a loop-the-loop thrill ride. While my 2020 tome Financial: Helping Financial Executives Prepare for an Artificial World covered ChatGPT, even my crystal ball didn’t foresee the speed of AI developments in 2023. This year, AI […]

17 AI Underwriting Benefits for Credit Unions (feat. Scienaptic)

credit union ai underwriting

Underwriting used to be as exciting as watching paint dry. Now, it’s all sci-fi, minus the alien invasion. The reality is that AI underwriting is changing the game for credit unions faster than you can say “automated risk assessment.” We’ve taken a tour behind the scenes at Scienaptic to see how their AI underwriting and […]

Calque and the Credit Union Trade-In Mortgage

calque credit union trade in mortgage with cu 2.0

Sometimes, a member wants to buy a new home. But before they can afford one, they need to sell their existing one. Their new mortgage is contingent on a home sale. So, what does your credit union do? There are a couple of options, usually starting with “nothing” and ending with “bridge loan.” But Calque […]

Painted Hills CUSO, LLC Secures Investments from Six Leading Credit Unions, Invests in Quilo, a New York-Based Fintech, and Collectively Partners to Revolutionize Fintech Collaboration for Balance Sheet Optimization

painted hills cuso quilo press release

Painted Hills CUSO, LLC, an innovative Credit Union Service Organization (CUSO) focused on balance sheet management, is proud to announce significant investments from six distinguished credit unions: Rogue, MAPS, Carter, Community Financial, Skyla, and Central Willamette Credit Unions. This strategic infusion of capital marks a pivotal step in Painted Hills CUSO’s mission to streamline collaborations […]

Cinchy Wants to Change Credit Union Data by Liberating It

cinchy credit union data liberation

Let’s talk data liberation. And don’t worry, we’ll try to make this accessible and relevant for people who aren’t CIOs! Sometimes, a fintech comes along and changes the entire way we think about something. That’s what Cinchy is doing with credit union data. Apologies in advance for anything remedial. We think it’ll be worth it […]

Crux Gives Credit Union Business Lending a Boost

crux analytics credit union business lending

Small- to medium-sized businesses make great credit union members. They’re a big part of the local economy, they borrow even when individuals don’t, and their loyalty is almost unmatched. Yet most credit unions don’t cater to SMBs. That’s a big missed opportunity. Read on to learn more about small business accounts, lending, and how Crux […]

Financial Health, Organization, and LifeTidy: A Credit Union Opportunity

LifeTidyRocket mortgage financial health for credit unions

Should credit unions care about their members’ financial health? Should they provide any tools to help with it? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions, you should keep reading. If you answered “no,” then you should read this guide, change your mind, and then come back here and continue reading. Now, it’s time […]

What Is a Fintech Enablement Platform (and Why Would Credit Unions Want One?)

Fintechos credit union fintech enablement platform from cu 2.0

Credit unions have wide and varied technology needs. One credit union might be on the hunt for a product that another credit union deployed a decade ago. And those two products might end up totally different to suite their respective memberships. The result is that there’s no clear path toward digital transformation. And yet, the […]