What Does the Rise in Cashless Payments Mean?

A meme made its way onto Forbes a couple of months ago. Somehow, we didn’t see it until this week. But the content bears repeating here: Who led your digital transformation? CEO CIO COVID-19 In the meme, option C is circled. If you don’t get the joke already, let me ruin it by explaining it […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 28: Patrick Conway PCUA on Lobbying and Much More

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 28 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Consider this podcast a crash course on credit union lobbying, 2019 style. Our instructor: Patrick Conway, CEO of the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association, a very large league with upwards of 370 members. PCUA lobbies both in Harrisburg, the state capital and in Washington, DC. A lot […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 27: Hakan Nordfjell Gemalto on New Account Fraud

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 27 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. You want to make new account opening easy and fraudsters want to exploit that loophole to rob your credit union. That is the gist of today’s podcast with Hakan Nordfjell, head of digital banking at Gemalto. He tells about fraudster tricks and also the way financial […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 26: Carl Memnon, COO Grain Technology on an End to Overdraft Fees

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 26 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Just say no more to overdraft fees. And make this decision good for your members and also good for your credit union. You may even grab a few customers away from Chase and the other money center banks. That’s the promise of fintech startup Grain Technology. In this […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 25: Joe Bergeron on Vermont Credit Unions

credit union podcast

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-fifth in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. Say congratulations to Joe Bergeron – he’s in his 40th year of service to Vermont credit unions and […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 24: John Pembroke, CUES on the Talent War

credit union podcast

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-fourth in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. It’s a war for talent. That’s the flat out statement of John Pembroke, CEO of CUES, the organization […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 23: Sitting Down with Gabe Krajicek, CEO of Kasasa

credit union podcast

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-third in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. If Kasasa were a bank branch network, it would be the nation’s fourth largest and it says that sometime […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 22: Talking Payments and Data Analytics with Trellance’s Lou Grilli

credit union podcast

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-second in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. What do you think when you get an alert from your credit union offering you a 2.9% car […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 21: Ron Shevlin on “Is the Party Over?”

credit union podcast cu 2.0

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-first in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. Cornerstone Advisors’ Ron Shevlin’s report on “What’s Going On in Banking 2019. Is the Party Over?” is out […]

3 Social Media Strategy Mistakes for Credit Unions

credit union social media strategy

It is imperative that your Credit Union has a social media strategy in today’s digital climate. However, what is even worse than having no social media strategy for your credit union is having a bad social media strategy. It is important that you avoid these three social media mistakes at your credit union. 1) Promos, […]