Credit Union Strategic Planning Topics

Read the whole credit union strategic planning guide here. Ahhh, credit union strategic planning. Is it something you look forward to? Or is it more of a necessary evil? The last few years have made it clear that credit unions need to stay ahead of industry changes. Digital transformation, risk management, and evolving member expectations […]
Understanding the Credit Union Strategic Planning Process

Read the whole credit union strategic planning guide here. For some, strategic planning is just a meeting. For others, it’s a foundation for the credit union’s future. A well-structured plan aligns leadership, optimizes resources, and outlines priorities so you don’t get distracted throughout the year. This article outlines the strategic planning process. We’ll address why […]
The Key Elements of Strategic Planning Sessions for Credit Unions

Strategic planning is one of my all-time favorite activities. There is nothing better than getting management teams and boards offsite, out of their routines, and thinking about the future. As an entrepreneur, I live in the tomorrow as soon as we paint its future. When I worked at a credit union, our planning process was […]