What Does Marketing Automation for Credit Unions Cost?

Generating and managing credit union revenue is a chore, and being not-for-profit doesn’t make it any easier. So, anything that lets you do more work with less effort is a win—especially if it also increases profitability per member. Marketing automation is the obvious next step for credit union marketing departments. It helps to reduce member […]

Preparing Your Credit Union for the Coronavirus

The Coronavirus continues to spread rapidly through China, and it’s difficult to find accurate numbers of its victims. Although most China and most countries have done a good job of containing the virus within borders, all borders are porous. As it grows, the chance that it might sweep other countries increases.

Should Credit Unions Focus on Member Acquisition or Attrition?

Credit unions targeting growth must balance member acquisition and attraction. Credit union marketing strategies work best when they operate on this principle. (In the long run, at least.) Too many credit unions focus on member acquisition at the expense of attrition. Once they find a new member, they stop thinking about that member as a […]

CU 2.0 Fintech Friday: Plinqit

Credit union partner with fintech

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, we look at Plinqit to see what services they’re providing to credit unions and their members. This is our chance to chat with the people who push our industry forward. They bring new techniques, new technologies, and new points of view to the scene. (And we promise, we’ll try […]

Valentine’s Day Ideas to Show Your Credit Union Members Some Love

It’s that wonderful time of year when everyone is thinking romance. And nothing says romance like credit union talk! Of course, we thought it would be good to publish our best ideas of how to show your members you love them! So, if you are in a romantic mood and thinking about your money, then […]

How Data Analytics Can Improve Interchange Income

Non-interest income is an oft-neglected part of a credit union’s total income. And it makes sense, too—revenue from loan interest is generally lower, and it flies under the radar. But what if you could increase interchange income? Would non-interest income still play second fiddle? Or would you pursue a program that could increase your profits […]

Grading Classical Brand Archetypes for Credit Unions

Branding is important. It builds recognition and trust in consumers. It’s the reason people use words like Coke, Xerox, and Post-It instead of cola, photocopier, and sticky note. Branding is why the skate fashion company Supreme made a brick with their logo on it, instantly sold out of it at $30 a pop, and then […]

The Key Elements of Strategic Planning Sessions for Credit Unions

Strategic planning is one of my all-time favorite activities. There is nothing better than getting management teams and boards offsite, out of their routines, and thinking about the future. As an entrepreneur, I live in the tomorrow as soon as we paint its future. When I worked at a credit union, our planning process was […]

How to Fix Bad VoIP Quality at Your Call Center

Almost nobody uses copper POTS lines anymore. And those who do probably won’t for long. (More on that later.) Instead, everyone is going digital with voice over internet protocol (VoIP).

How to Improve Facebook ROI for Credit Unions

credit union facebook roi

Is your credit union thinking about joining Facebook? Are you already on Facebook, but you’re unsure about whether it’s worth your time? Let’s look at how to increase the ROI of your Facebook page.