Cinchy Wants to Change Credit Union Data by Liberating It

cinchy credit union data liberation

Let’s talk data liberation. And don’t worry, we’ll try to make this accessible and relevant for people who aren’t CIOs! Sometimes, a fintech comes along and changes the entire way we think about something. That’s what Cinchy is doing with credit union data. Apologies in advance for anything remedial. We think it’ll be worth it […]

The Credit Union Data Analytics 2.0 Provider Guide

credit union data analytics provider guide

Credit unions often lag competitors, technologically. Technological needs must be balanced with service, growth, and profit; often, those needs compete with fintechs, compliance, IT security, and ever-changing regulations.

How Can Credit Unions Use Analytics to Improve the Member Experience?

credit union data analytics and member experience panel and cu 2.0 brainstorm event

This blog is based on an expert discussion at our Summer 2022 Brainstorm Event. Register to attend our next one now! Credit unions have been historically slow to react to technological innovations, but that could change with data. Data analytics can help to monitor, operate, and enhance the member experience. That is, if they can access […]

Questions to Ask Data Analytics Providers (for Credit Unions)

Data analytics for credit unions from arkatechture and arkalytics and cu 2.0

There are many different uses for data analytics at credit unions. And, it seems, there are as many data analytics providers as there are uses. We believe this is a good thing. However, we understand that the plethora of vendors can make it hard to find the right one. Moreover, even reviewing our data analytics […]

2021 Credit Union Technology Trends to Watch

credit union trends

Wow. 2020 managed to pack a decade of excitement into the span of a single year. Interestingly, it also packed several years worth of digital transformation into a few months at the beginning of the pandemic. Credit unions began by closing branches, leaning heavily on their digital channels… and continued to lean on digital even […]

3 Overdraft Hacks That Your Members Will Love

how to make members happy with overdraft fees

  Nobody likes getting dinged with fees. In fact, levying too many fees at your members is a surefire way of frustrating them. But what if I told you there’s a way to make your members appreciate your approach to overdraft fees? There are a few win-win ways to turn a bad member experience (overdraft […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 22: Talking Payments and Data Analytics with Trellance’s Lou Grilli

credit union podcast

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the twenty-second in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. What do you think when you get an alert from your credit union offering you a 2.9% car […]

CU 2.0 Podcast: Series 18 – Al Pascual on Biometrics

credit union podcast cu 2.0

It’s the Credit Union podcast! CU 2.0 is excited to bring you the eighteenth in a series of podcasts from Robert McGarvey. Welcome to the CU 2.0 Podcast, regular interviews with credit union leaders, thinkers, movers, shakers and more. **Pop Quiz** How long have passwords been around? How many credit union members want never to use one […]