Credit Unions Can Truly Engage with Members Thanks to Nook

nook credit union member engagement

Do you have any “friends” that seem to come around when they need something? Their social call for coffee is actually a request for advice or a job recommendation. Or maybe you own a truck and they’re moving next weekend… What if your credit union is acting like that friend toward your members? Unfortunately, that […]

Vertice AI’s Data-Driven Credit Union Member Engagement Platform

credit union member engagement platform from vertice ai

Ask 10 people what growth marketing is and you’ll get 11 different answers. Consequently, it’s hard to make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to strategies to grow credit union member engagement and participation. In credit unions, this is especially true. Should you start with developing an indirect dealer network? What about […]

10 Social Media Tips for Credit Unions

credit union social media tips

So much has changed in social media in the last few years. TikTok is even bigger. Twitter is now “X.” LinkedIn feels like the new Facebook, and Facebook is a ghost town of ads and conspiracy theorists. If this sounds daunting, don’t worry! You’re not alone. Everyone—even the “experts”—look for a little refresher on social […]

Credit Union SEO Optimization Tips for Content Marketing

The 4 Cs of credit union content marketing from CU 2.0

Your credit union competes for more than the best rates on mortgages and auto loans. You also compete for visibility on the internet. That is, on Google’s (or Bing’s) search engine results pages. If you’re on the first page for a given query—or in the top 3 results—you’re doing well. If you’re not, you effectively […]

Marketing to Millennials and Gen Z

Fintech CUSO and Credit union Marketing to millennials and gen z with cu 2.0

This piece is based off of a roundtable discussion at the CU 2.0 Brainstorm Event in July 2021. It is not intended to be comprehensive—rather, it will provide a cursory introduction to marketing to Millennials and Gen Z.

Does Credit Union Content Marketing Work?

Inbound marketing for credit unions

Content marketing is a kind of marketing strategy designed to attract and nurture inbound leads. It relies on maintaining a consistent and prominent online presence to show up in peoples’ internet searches. Can credit union content marketing work? Few credit union marketing strategies are exactly alike. Each credit union fills a unique niche and appeals […]

A Quick Guide to Credit Union Member Acquisition Costs

credit union member acquisition costs and marketing from cu 2.0

In a perfect world, the reputation of any given credit union would precede it, and people would flock from far and wide to join. Not a dime would be spent on marketing. Unfortunately, it’s not a perfect world. Any credit union growth strategy is going to rely on marketing for brand recognition. The real question […]

Credit Union Marketing Tips for 2021 and Beyond

credit union marketing tips from cu 2.0

2021 has been much better than 2020 already. Last year at this time, marketers were scrambling to keep their credit unions afloat while keeping their members’ needs in mind. It was a delicate balancing act.

How to Launch a Fintech Startup

Fintechs have some of the best ideas and technology in the financial space. But getting those ideas in front of other people—and raising interest—is a whole different story. It’s so easy to assume that the right product or technology will sell itself. But it won’t.

Your Credit Union Should Use Yelp

how to set up credit union yelp from cu 2.0

Do you ever wonder if your credit union members are using Yelp? We can answer that for you: Yes. They are. Here’s why you should pay attention… and why you should use it, too.