Best Credit Union Marketing Platforms (CDPs and MCIFs)

credit union marketing platforms CDPs and MCIFs

At the time of writing, there are too many credit union marketing platforms to list. If we tried really hard, we might be able to list all the different types… But let’s start with a segment of marketing tools that help credit unions grow by delivering personalized member journeys. This is about individualization. Right member, […]

Best Insurance Fintechs for Credit Unions

woop insurance credit union insurtech

Sometimes, it’s about what you can offer your members. Just as often, it’s about how you can reduce the manual workload on your staff. But all the time, it’s about insurance. Strategically, partnerships with Insurtech companies help credit unions stay competitive: But which Insurtech provider is right for your credit union—and your members? Read on […]

Credit Union Debt Repayment Fintechs

the best credit union debt repayment fintechs

With climbing delinquencies and falling savings, credit risk has been an ongoing concern for credit unions. As far as the NCUA is concerned, it’s right up there with liquidity risk. But the solution can’t just be to lend less. That’s no good for anyone. Instead, credit unions should help people manage and repay outstanding debt. […]

Dear Credit Unions: Financial Education Isn’t Enough

credit union financial education starlight

You’ve probably seen headlines that say things like “74% of Gen Z wants access to more financial education,” or “Gen Z isn’t financially literate (yet).” The gist of all these articles is the same: Young people say that financial literacy will alleviate some of their money problems. But let’s not pretend that financial education is […]

The Best Credit Union Liquidity Tools (to Generate Deposits)

guac credit union deposit generation app

It might be overblown to call it a “credit union liquidity crisis,” but there certainly is a pressing need for deposits. So, what can credit unions do? For starters, they can provide members with the tools they need to achieve their own financial goals. By helping members save, credit unions can guarantee themselves deposits. It’s […]

Death of a Member? The Best Solutions for Credit Unions

credit union death of a member solutions with ribbon

A percentage of credit union members pass away each year. Their accounts close and their assets transfer to inheritors. On top of grief, inheritors deal with the logistical nightmare of financial paperwork. This is not the most comfortable topic to discuss, but it’s still incredibly important. Read on to see how your credit union can […]

Retaining Deposits After Member Retirement (ft. Silvur)

credit union deposit retention from retirees with social security silvur

Much ado is already being made about the great generational wealth transfer on the horizon. We’ve made some ado of it ourselves. But before the big wealth transfer even, there’s another one on the horizon: Retirees dramatically consolidate their FI relationships as they enter retirement because they want to simplify their lives and hold onto […]

Vertice AI’s Data-Driven Credit Union Member Engagement Platform

credit union member engagement platform from vertice ai

Ask 10 people what growth marketing is and you’ll get 11 different answers. Consequently, it’s hard to make sure everyone’s on the same page when it comes to strategies to grow credit union member engagement and participation. In credit unions, this is especially true. Should you start with developing an indirect dealer network? What about […]

Balancing Stronger Security with Member Experience

Credit union identity protection from Cozera id-go and cu 2.0

Two monumental figures loom large these days: $4 billion in consumer identity protection costs (like LifeLock), and a whopping $40 billion institutional burden to cover the fraud, and that doesn’t even include the cost of cybersecurity to combat fraud. So how do credit unions continue to add layers of security without also adding more complexity […]