CU 2.0 Podcast 53: West Community Credit Union

credit union podcast

How does a credit union get heard in the marketing wars with Bank of America, Chase, and the other money center bruisers? Face an ugly reality: You can’t win. No way, no how. Unless you change the rules of engagement.

CU 2.0 Podcast 52: David Deckelmann LiveSurvey

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 52 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. What are your members thinking about you? Say you don’t know and you are setting yourself up for failure. Say you do know and, no, you haven’t asked them because you, well, just know and you are on the fast track to extinction. If you want to […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 51: Marc Schaefer Truliant

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 51 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Can a credit union serve more than one employer group? You know what today’s answer is of course. But to know the history you need to talk with Marc Schafer, CEO of Truliant, a Winston Salem credit union. That’s because Truliant was sued by a banker’s […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 49: Alain Glanzman WalletFi

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 49 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Take a guess. How many recurring payments does a typical consumer have set up, for how much money monthly? Alain Glanzman, CEO of fintech WalletFi is focused on exactly that issue – and also on the huge potential it represents for credit unions.

CU 2.0 Podcast 48: Susan Mitchell on the Credit Union Underground

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 48 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Circle the date, October 26. Las Vegas. That’s when Susan Mitchell, a longtime credit union consultant, is convening another meeting of the Credit Union Underground, this time in parallel with Money 20/20, probably the meeting of the best and brightest in the disruptive quadrant of financial services.

CU 2.0 Podcast 47: Randy Karnes CU*Answers for Small Credit Unions

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 47 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Randy Karnes just may be the poster boy for the cooperative entrepreneur.  In the process, he may also have come upon the formula that will enable many hundreds – perhaps thousands – of small credit unions to thrive in the 21st century.

Credit Union 2.0 Podcast 45: Gary Oakland BECU

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 45 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. In this podcast, you will hear his recipe for credit union success. Call this the credit union oral history sequence – Blaine, Bucky Sebastian, now Gary Oakland who took over BECU, with around $700 million in assets, in the mid-1980s and when he left in 2012 […]

Credit Union 2.0 Podcast 43: Caroline Willard Cornerstone League

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 43 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Today is all about what credit unions need to do to survive and what leagues need to do. Cannabis banking. Data breaches.  Taxation of credit unions. The disappearance of small credit unions.  The rise of $10 billion+ credit union behemoths. Welcome to the world of Caroline […]