CU 2.0 Podcast 47: Randy Karnes CU*Answers for Small Credit Unions

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 47 of the CU 2.0 Podcast.

Randy Karnes just may be the poster boy for the cooperative entrepreneur.  In the process, he may also have come upon the formula that will enable many hundreds – perhaps thousands – of small credit unions to thrive in the 21st century.

How can they? Aren’t they technology deserts in an era of digital banking? Nope. Not with CU*Answers, the CUSO Karnes helms, at their side.  CU*Answers once was simply a core system randy karnes cu 2.0 podcastprovider but as the technology needs of credit unions have evolved, so has CU*Answers.  It now offers online banking, mobile banking, and more; you want to hear why in this podcast.

178 credit unions own CU*Answers and they range in size from microscopic to over $1 billion in assets.  The typical CU*Answers credit union is $80 to $100 million in assets and, say many pundits, that’s an endangered species.

Karnes dissents. “I don’t think they will be gone.”

He adds, “Credit unions will survive to the extent they stay creative and disruptive.”

Remember that. The point of a credit union is not to be staid and conservative. It’s to rock the boat.  That’s why they were founded, to be different.

The ones that prosper today will do likewise

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