Investment Accounts for Kids: Where Credit Unions Fit In
Don’t work at a credit union, but like what you see? Head to UNest to open an investment account for your kids today! Most of my friends and I are so close to 40 that it looks blurry now. Most of us have kids (I don’t) and multiple app-based investment accounts (I do). Naturally, there’s […]
Everything* You Need to Know About Finn AI (*Almost)
If you wanted to know about plan prices, integrations, or time to deployment, then Finn AI is the only source for that. However, if you want to know more about the organization, what they do, and how they do it, you’re in the right place.
Brainstorm Event: Sponsor Spotlight
The CU 2.0 Fintech Mastermind is a group of credit union and fintech industry leaders. Executives meet in small groups monthly to solve the industry’s biggest challenges.
Financial Literacy for Kids: Where to Start for Credit Unions
For all the talk of member loyalty, there’s a surprising lack of focus on young members. No, not Millennials, who are turning 40, and no, not even Gen Z, who are in their 20s.
Finopotamus and Fintech News for Credit Unions
The only people who say that credit unions don’t need to evolve are credit union employees.
Credit Unions, Cryptocurrency, and Card Rewards
Most financial institutions have been slow on the uptake when it comes to cryptocurrency. It’s still a relatively new technology and represents a definite risk. But there might also be risk in steering clear much longer.
Could This Be the End to Credit Union Fees?
Like our Fintech Friday series? Check out the Fintech Spring Meetup! Credit Unions join free with code CUHOST! Sure, fee income is great for increasing non-interest income. But ironically, that revenue comes at a cost. Or, a few costs, actually.
Credit Unions Have Changed. Should Their Security Strategy Change, Too?
Credit union cybersecurity is a fast-evolving scene. Largely, that’s due to a few major factors:
A History of Innovation: Xpress Data, Inc. (XDI)
Fintech Friday posts usually go something like this: Something doesn’t work as well as it could. Until now, there’s been no way around it. But this fintech promises to change all that!
LiveSurvey Is Changing the Credit Union Member Experience Game
After years of bartending, I’m sensitive to customer complaints and social media reviews. Why announce to the world on Yelp that you didn’t like your fries? Why not let someone in the restaurant know so that they can fix it?