Is It Time for a New Website at Your Credit Union?

credit union web design

LOOK AT IT FROM A CONSUMER’S STANDPOINT. HOW WOULD YOU RATE THE USER EXPERIENCE? By Dylan Bloniarz, soon-to-be graduate from St. Edwards University’s Master’s program in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics. This blog is about credit union web design. He is currently redesigning his credit union’s website. You may find the original post here.

Why You Need to Join the Fintech Meetup

Fintech meetup, fintech spring meetup

Fintech Meetup is a massive online networking event. It brings together ~4,000 financial services professionals (mostly executives) for three days of meeting and networking. RESERVE MY SPACE NOW Based on the success of the last event, we’re positive that you’ll find a lot to like about this one. In fact…

Credit Unions and Cryptocurrency: A Primer

credit union cryptocurrency and blockchain

This piece is based off of John Best’s talk at the CU 2.0 Brainstorm Event in July 2021. It is not intended to be comprehensive—rather, it will provide a cursory introduction to cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is a decentralized digital currency based on distributed ledger technology. It is secured through advanced cryptography, making it extremely secure and […]

Could This Be the End to Credit Union Fees?

Credit union fees from doublecheck and cu 2.0

Like our Fintech Friday series? Check out the Fintech Spring Meetup! Credit Unions join free with code CUHOST! Sure, fee income is great for increasing non-interest income. But ironically, that revenue comes at a cost. Or, a few costs, actually.

What Credit Union Marketing Automation Is and Why It Matters

Here’s the problem: Digital marketing suffers from low conversion rates, an overabundance of tools and platforms, and poor transparency. Marketing automation platforms address all of those issues. Read on to learn more about what marketing automation is, how it works, and what it can do for your credit union. And, if you work at a […]

What Does the Rise in Cashless Payments Mean?

A meme made its way onto Forbes a couple of months ago. Somehow, we didn’t see it until this week. But the content bears repeating here: Who led your digital transformation? CEO CIO COVID-19 In the meme, option C is circled. If you don’t get the joke already, let me ruin it by explaining it […]

CU 2.0 Podcast 28: Patrick Conway PCUA on Lobbying and Much More

credit union podcast

Welcome to episode 28 of the CU 2.0 Podcast. Consider this podcast a crash course on credit union lobbying, 2019 style. Our instructor: Patrick Conway, CEO of the Pennsylvania Credit Union Association, a very large league with upwards of 370 members. PCUA lobbies both in Harrisburg, the state capital and in Washington, DC. A lot […]