CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 202 Kirk Kordeleski Tells If You Are Paid Enough
How much do you make? Is it enough? A question for credit union boards: Are you paying your staff, especially c-suiters, enough to stay competitive in your marketplace?
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 201 Jeff Keltner Upstart on Smarter Lending
What happens when you throw a bunch of ex-Googlers into an office in San Mateo California? Enter Upstart, a new breed lending company that helps financial institutions – credit unions very much included – make more, better-unsecured loans and also do auto refinancing.
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 200 Visions FCU’s Joe Keller on Credit Unions and Digital Assets
How good a manager are you? Tell me: do you have a VP of digital assets? Didn’t think so. What exactly would such a position do?
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 199 Julie Markee EOS on Managing for Success
How good a manager are you? Be honest now. Do you have a systematic way of measuring how effectively you are leading? Or is it all seat of the pants guesswork and, well, we have to be doing okay because the lights are still on?
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 198 Seth Brickman QCash on How an Amazon Guy Found What He Wanted at a CUSO
Seth Brickman’s career includes the US Navy (remember Top Gun? That was his motivator). Then he landed at Microsoft, he co-founded a startup Nicolette which builds tools to help parents make informed decisions about their baby’s health, then he was at Amazon where he earned a patent involving Alexa and the content delivered to its screen.
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 197 Barb Lowman President CUNA Strategic Services on Credit Union Survival Skills 2022 Edition
Buckle up, this will be a bumpy ride.
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 196 Dan Michaeli Glia on Digitizing Member Service and Credit Union Merger Mania
You know the numbers. In just the first three quarters of 2021 the NCUA approved 117 mergers and there will be more this year. In the mix is an ever growing number of credit union acquisitions of banks.
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 195 Gordon Flammer Datava
Is the company name pronounced Datava, Data-va, or, what’s your guess?
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 194 Bill Clark Engageware on Digital Trends
The company name flows much more smoothly off the tongue: Engageware.
CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 193 Elan Mevasse on Very Good Security – Is It a Better Way to Secure Member Data?
Ask Very Good Security – a San Francisco based fintech – what it does that is different in terms of securing member data and the answer is blunt: what it does is different, better, even very good. To quote from the company’s website about the question that spawned the solution: “Was there a way to secure the […]