CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 309 AI Gets Real at One Nevada Credit Union

Artificial intelligence: is it real or a mirage?

Lots of credit union executives are pondering exactly that question and on the show today are Steve O’Donnell, EVP at One Nevada Credit Union, and Saroop Bahrwani, founder of Senso and CUCopilot, a generative AI toolkit.

They came to the show fresh from a three day joint engagement where Saroop and his team went to the One Nevada offices and  branches and dug deep into what AI is doing and could be doing to make credit union work flows more efficient.

This is not all blue sky theory. A lot of this show is discussing everyday practicalities and how AI can speed them up.

For instance: wouldn’t you like to feed into a computer a batch of your auto loans that went bad and ask the computer to identify what they had in common? One Nevada is doing something much like that already.  O’Donnell tells what they’ve learned.

O’Donnell also muses on the likely impacts of AI on credit union jobs.

Saroop also shares his view of AI tomorrow at credit unions.

This is an upbeat show.

Flip through back pages by listening to Saroop’s past appearances on the show – here and here and here.  

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