CU 2.0 Credit Union Fintech Friday: StackUp

CU2.0 credit union fintech partnership

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Chris Otey sits down with StackUp to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation.

Nearly 50 million people in the United States use a financial advisor or a robo-advisor. Unfortunately, not all of those people know how their advisors are performing. Not only that, but they may actually be paying far more in fees than they thought they were.

StackUp analyzes portfolios to rate your financial advisor or robo-advisor. It uncovers hidden fees and lets you know about any negative activity or massive fee on your account. Finally, StackUp can help people understand if their advisor is right for them or if they’d be better served by another advisor.

The reason StackUp started was because as a former financial advisor, CEO and co-founder Jason Aronson became jaded by the lack of transparency between advisors and their clients. He created StackUp as a way to increase transparency in the financial advisory field. StackUp helps investors better understand their portfolios and evaluate their advisors against the field.

If this sounds like an intriguing credit union–fintech partnership, check out the video and StackUp snapshot below!

Credit Union Fintech Snapshot: StackUp

Top 3 Problems Solved

  1. Financial transparency
  2. Financial advisor comparison and evaluation
  3. Investing

StackUp Founder: Jason Aronson

StackUp Market Strategy

Banks, community banks, individual investors, and credit unions

Credit Union Fintech: StackUp in the News

Understanding StackUp’s service

StackUp ruffles feathers

StackUp helps out young investors

Interested in seeing more fintech entrepreneurship? Check out the CU 2.0 fintech infographic, Death by 1,000 Cuts. You can see firsthand the impact fintechs have had on the credit union industry, as well as how fintech innovation can improve your income statement, balance sheet, interest margin, services, and more.

Credit Union 2.0 believes fully in the power of credit union and fintech partnerships. With the shared goal to redefine multifaceted financial services models look like to members, more credit unions are looking to partner with forward-leaning fintechs.

If you want to learn more about credit union–fintech partnerships, click here.

Check out other fintech in the series here!

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