CU 2.0 Fintech Friday Series: CU Ledger

CU2.0 credit union fintech partnership

It’s CU 2.0 Fintech Friday! Today, Amy McCaughey sits down with Rick Cranston from CULedger to discuss all things credit union, fintech, and digital innovation.

CULedger introduces permissioned blockchain technology to credit unions. Permissioned distributed ledger technology democratizes the financial system, allowing broad access to improvements in data storage, validation, and distribution. Distributed ledger technology can prevent identity theft and fraud, and they aim to be the first global digital credential for credit unions.

CULedger is an exciting new fintech to the scene. While they may be young, they have a very ambitious plan to become an industry standard in ledger solutions. Their technology builds on the highly-secure blockchain model popularized by cryptocurrencies.

However, outside of the financial arena, CULedger’s technology shares almost no other similarities with cryptocurrencies. Instead, they intend to turn their distributed ledger technology toward helping credit unions with ledger and payment platforms.

If this sounds like an intriguing credit union–fintech partnership, check out the video and CULedger snapshot below!

Credit Union Fintech Snapshot: CULedger

Top 3 Problems Solved

  1. Distributed ledger technology
  2. Non-currency essential processes
  3. Data security

CULedger President and CEO: John Ainsworth

CULedger Market Strategy

Credit Unions

Credit Union Fintech: CULedger in the News

CULedger gains momentum early

CULedger announces a star-studded advisory board

CULedger and Hedera Hashgraph partner on ledger solutions

The evolution of CULedger

Interested in seeing more fintech entrepreneurship? Check out the CU 2.0 fintech infographic, Death by 1,000 Cuts. You can see firsthand the impact fintechs have had on the credit union industry, as well as how fintech innovation can improve your income statement, balance sheet, interest margin, services, and more.

Credit Union 2.0 believes fully in the power of credit union–fintech partnerships. With the shared goal to redefine multifaceted financial services models look like to members, more credit unions are looking to partner with forward-leaning fintechs.

If you want to learn more about credit union–fintech partnerships, click here.

CULedger is not a CU2.0 sponsor.

Check out other fintech in the series here!

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