CU 2.0 Podcast Episode  317 Eric Foster on Woop Insurance

Podcast Guest Eric Foster

The show starts by asking Eric Foster, CEO of Woop Insurance, why the heck he named the company Woop, and it gets livelier from there.

Hard to believe a podcast about insurance could be anything other than humdrum.


Insurance is going through massive changes as many insurers are dramatically raising rates and/or pulling out of entire markets. Consumers accordingly are scrambling to stay insured at affordable rates.

That’s where Woop comes in.  It feasts on analytics and its aim is to help consumers make better, smarter choices about the insurance coverage they carry.

Foster on LinkedIn describes himself as an “Unapologetic Insurance Nerd.”

But this podcast – while offering specifics about why credit unions would want to work with Woop – is surprisingly nerd free.

It’s informative but smart and lively.

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