CU 2.0 Podcast Episode  318 James Robert Lay on Banking on Change

Podcast Episode 318

James Robert Lay is back with a new book, Banking on Change, and a message that will rock credit union executives out of complacency: “The Age of Artificial Intelligence spares no one from its transformative power.”

This podcast is a fast paced, 40 minute romp through the changes that are transforming banking as we’ve known it into something that looks entirely different.

Consider the words: checking account. Or even more obscure: sharedraft account.  What this is, really, is a spending account, says Lay in the show,  and that’s because we use it to spend our money.

What we don’t do, at least we do a lot less of it, is write checks.

Many consumers now live check-free lives.

Ponder the magnitude of just that change.

To survive through the changes in banking executives need a different, new mindset.  In the show, Lay talks about that mindset and about how to get there.

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