CU 2.0 Podcast Episode 306 Amount’s Nicholas Chang on Better Credit Card + Loan Origination

High velocity origination platform. That’s a key focus of Amount, a fintech that has a partnership with Velera nee PSCU.

The plain reality is that many credit unions make it too hard to do business with them.  21st century fintechs focus on making that first date very easy to set up.

Ask yourself how many possible new members fall out before completing the many steps many credit unions require.

Thus the focus on ease of credit card origination, a first partnership between the two.  There’s a link in the show notes to an official blub about this but the focus is making this fast and easy.

A second partnership involves Amount’s loan origination solution – there’s a link in the show notes to that blurb too.

On the show today is Nicholas Chang, vice president and Head of New Ventures at Amount.

He’s on the show fresh from a listening tour of credit unions where he heard what their pain points are and what they want from tech vendors.

Chang also is very optimistic about the credit union future and how Amount’s tools can smooth the path forward.

You’ll notice that throughout the show reference is made to PSCU. That’s because it was recorded a few days before PSCU announced its new name.  We usually operate with a one to two month lead time and so it happened in this case.

Besides, Velera has yet to grow on me. I may be saying PSCU for a few more years anyway.

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