Credit Union Audits Go Remote: Here’s How to Do It

We’ve all felt the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic in every aspect of life. Credit Unions across the country are shutting their doors. Those that have survived have largely moved operations online.

Changing protocols. Lack of face-to-face communications. Unorganized emails. The day to day operations of a remote credit union is complicated. Then throw an audit into the mix? Audits are an intensive task at the best of times. Winging it on your first remote audit could be a real recipe for disaster.

But if you’re feeling confident in your team and want to work from home, the folks at Redboard have a few tips.


What to Avoid While Running Remote Audits

·       Being Disorganized

While working from home, emails will be pouring in. Keeping those emails and necessary spreadsheets organized could be a job in itself. So have a protocol to make it easier to keep everything straight.

·       Delaying Addressing Findings

Delaying findings is a sure recipe for forgetting they exist. They’ll stack up, remediation will slow, and you might get some repeat findings.

·       Bogging Down Your Business Units

They already have a lot going on. Auditing isn’t their only task. They’ll like you a lot more if you take it easy on them. Keep things simple for them so they can get back to their regular duties.


How to Run a Remote Audit Department Successfully

·       Centralize Your Materials

Being able to find documents, requests, old answers and results, all in one place? That can seriously streamline things. Develop your own organizational techniques, such as organizing emails in specifically labeled folders. A master spreadsheet could help, although spreadsheets do have limitations.

Brainstorm the best way for your team to collaborate efficiently and adequately.

·       Hold Each Team Member Accountable

Know exactly what tasks need to be done and who is responsible for them. Setting clear expectations and due dates will help your team stay on the same page. It’ll keep everyone on track.

·       Be Nice to Your Business Units

Your business units are dealing with all of the challenges of going remote too.  We’re starting to enter the next phase of reopening businesses across the country. There are more regulatory updates still to come. So, keeping as much off of their plate as you can will keep the whole process more orderly and efficient.


Remote Auditing Might Be Here to Stay

The coronavirus pandemic spurred hasty tech conversions for many credit unions. But these weird times have proven that digital channels are resilient. It’s smart to keep remote auditing protocols up to date.

Learn more about Redboard, remote work, and offsite exams here:



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